For new users questions occasionally arise pertaining to where or how some amounts are derived on certain job cost related reports in Builder Information System.
Below is an example of the Job Cost Status Report with the columns identified at the top. Below the report is a key that explains where or how those amounts were derived.
Lastly, some questions and answers related the report and options available on the report’s query form.
Question: Why do amounts change to 0.00 when the Job Status is changed to Completed?
Answer: The job is considered complete and will no longer have job costs to complete or billings.
Question: How do you use the options: Percent Complete Overwrite and Projected Cost to Complete Overwrite? Also, when should they be used?
Answer: They can be entered from Transactions/Job Status. Used if cost does not accurately reflect the status of the cost code. Example: The job is going well under budget. When the option is checked it will affect the entire report. When both are checked the Projected Cost to Complete will overwrite the Percent Complete.